Sitting all day? Beat back pain on the road and in the office with these yoga poses.
Spending most of the day seated isn’t good for your body, and even after taking regular breaks, you may still feel stiff and uncomfortable, especially if you’re also battling jet lag and deadlines. But many of us have no choice but to spend long hours chained to our desks for work and pay the price with back pain and stiffness.
Jesse Gabler, the founder of YOGI TIMES, recommends these five simple yoga positions you can perform at in the office, at home or in the hotel, each aimed at reducing back pain caused by prolonged sitting.
The Simple Savasana
Also known as the Corpse Pose, to perform the Simple Savasana, lie flat on your back with your arms and legs comfortably spread apart.
This allows the spine to rest and align naturally, releasing built-up tension. Regular practice of this pose can greatly reduce stress in the back muscles and improve overall spinal health.
The Tree Pose
The Tree Pose (or Vrikshasana) involves standing on one leg while the other is placed on the inner thigh, mimicking the steady yet grounded stance of a tree. At the same time, the hands are brought together in front of the chest, or for a harder pose, extended above the head.
This pose strengthens the leg muscles and back, improving spinal alignment and posture, and enhancing core stability. It also heightens overall body awareness and concentration.
The Bhujangasana
Commonly known as the Cobra Pose, this position focuses on strengthening the spinal column. To perform the Cobra, lie on your stomach and lift your chest off the ground using only the strength of your back muscles, creating a gentle backbend.
This exercise alleviates back pain and stiffness, as well as enhancing flexibility and promoting better posture.
The Bridge Pose
The Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) targets back pain by strengthening spinal muscles. Here, you lie on your back and lift your hips upwards. Your abdomen will create a bridge-like arch while your feet and shoulders remain grounded.
This pose improves posture and core stability and can help in relieving mild anxiety.
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